Our previous van was getting old. Last summer on our way home from vacation the air conditioning went out and it would cost more to repair than the van was worth. So we knew we had to get a new one but since summer was pretty much done we had time to look around.
We looked on KSL.com. (The best place to find good deals.) We found some good mini-vans but they would go really fast. By the time we called or went to see them they were gone. There were others out there but they were not what we wanted or such a good deal. We drove to SL one day to look at one, only to find out that one person was test driving it and another couple was waiting to drive it ahead of us. Well, the first guy bought it! We were upset all day.
We kept looking the following week but nothing. Then on Thursday KC saw this mini-van that was a great deal: 2008 Sienna with 20,000 miles. But the ad had been posted for 5 days, so the chances of it still being available were very slim. KC called and the seller did not answer. But he decided to keep calling until he either he talked to the seller or it was marked as sold on ksl. The guy called him back on Friday and we went to see it. We test drove it and it was in excellent shape so we came home did a Carfax on it and decided to buy it.
We were shocked that it was still available for us to buy. After talking with the seller he told us something that humbled us and knew that this was truly a blessing. He said that he had had the van posted for 5 days and had received no calls... KC was the first one to call on it. But after we called he had like 20 calls on it. From previous experience we knew that these vans sold really fast so when he told us that we felt like we had just received a tender mercy!
We love the licence plate!