When I first came to DaVinci. One of my first assignments was to get going this group that WalMart wanted to run for 8th graders. The program is called Mi Futuro and the students meet with WalMart managers from all over the area and they provide activities for them to prepare them for high school. It's a really good program for the students to know what to expect and what they can do to have a better future. This was our group and a picture we took after graduation.

On another note about DaVinci... In April the director began asking about renewing staff's contracts for the following school year. The school is adding an elementary portion to the school and because we would have more students we would need more counseling time. I figured M (the other counselor) would want to stay 1/2 time so I thought maybe I would be able to increase my time from 1/2 to 3/4 or something like that. Then I found out that M was going full time so that would leave me at 1/2 time. At that time I prayed to know what I should do next year. This is the time of year when there are openings for school counseling jobs following year so I had to decide whether I wanted to stay at DaVinci or start applying to other schools. I decided to stay at DaVinci even if it was for 1/2 time. I fugured it would be better because that way I could get more experience. I spoke with the director and he agreed for me to work 3 days next year but for various reasons we never got a contract signed. I was good with this decision and then everything went tupsy turvy...
One random day the director had asked me if I would be interested in full time? I hadn't thought about it cause M had said she was coming back full time and my decision was made. I told the director I would get back to him. I asked KC his thoughts and I prayed and I felt good about full time if it was even a possibility. After all I still have most of the summer off and G will be in school full time next year. I told him yes but I didn't think it would happen.
On Monday May 13, I got a text from M saying that she had given her 2 weeks notice and that I might want to come in to get some training??? I had worked at the daycare that morning and when I came home I had a message to call the director of DaVinci. I was so confused! I tried to get more info from M but she told me should would explain in person. I called the director back and he offered me the full time counseling position. I accepted but I thought with everything so up in the air that it could change. I trained as much as I could in the meantime.
Well, to make a long story short... I am now the head counselor. I was hoping M would finish out the school year but the director wanted to stick with her original termination date and so I had to work with the seniors to make sure they were all ready for graduation. I also had the priviledge of reading the names at graduation and presenting the class of 2013. I would have rather have M do it since she helped all these students throughout the year but it was my job so I did it! So I will be working full time next year and it also adds more days to my contract before and after school is session to get things ready and finalized.
So needless to say this has made the past three weeks pretty crazy for me! In the meantime life at home has to go on...
This was CR's Student Government class. They had an end of the year banquet for the students and the parents.
The eight grade representatives:
The boys:
It's tradition to have for the seniors to do a prank before graduation. This is the director's office:
CR was in the theatre class at school and they did a play to end the semester. The play was a version of the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears.
CR was cast as the narrator but then there was a student that was going to be absent so they also gave him the part of "The Count". He is a great actor!!!
This year was a different Memorial Day as M's were out of town and my parents were just not interested in doing something together. So we hung out at home. We did go see a movie and then we went bowling. Not too outdoorsy but we spent time together so that's what was most important.