From July 16 to 20.
K and C went to Girl's camp in Heber. We went up on Thursday night for dinner and their testimony meeting. We drove up with the Judkins. We took G with us. We left CR and S home alone. They were fine until it was time to go to bed and they got a little worried. They called aunt Z and she helped them be more at peace.
Cr had his tennis lessons for two weeks again. He loves to play tennis.
G had her 6 month dr's appointment. She is now 15.8 lbs and 27 in. long. She is really tall for some odd reason. She is in the 90% for height. She is such a cutie.
We had eye appointments, pack meeting and a few miscelaneous tasks.
July 22.
Dinner and Birthday celebrations. We celebrated J and Lele and my Bdays. My mom made Jocon for dinner. It was very yummy. The kids rode the Hess' horses because J loves them.
K and C went to Girl's camp in Heber. We went up on Thursday night for dinner and their testimony meeting. We drove up with the Judkins. We took G with us. We left CR and S home alone. They were fine until it was time to go to bed and they got a little worried. They called aunt Z and she helped them be more at peace.
Cr had his tennis lessons for two weeks again. He loves to play tennis.
G had her 6 month dr's appointment. She is now 15.8 lbs and 27 in. long. She is really tall for some odd reason. She is in the 90% for height. She is such a cutie.
We had eye appointments, pack meeting and a few miscelaneous tasks.

Dinner and Birthday celebrations. We celebrated J and Lele and my Bdays. My mom made Jocon for dinner. It was very yummy. The kids rode the Hess' horses because J loves them.
July 24. 
Pioneer Day. We went hiking (if you can call it that) up Cottonwood Canyon. We first met with Z +kids and my mom. We finally figured out lunch and then drove up. The first hike took like 5 minutes and it took us up to a pretty waterfall. Then we went on another hike on this paved road. That was a little longer. We ate lunch up there. Jasmine had to go potty. It was a nice time together. My dad was gone to Mexico for work. In the afternoon we went and saw the Harry Potter Movie as a family at the IMAX in SL. The screen was huge. Afterwards we got some street Mexican tacos and then went over to my parents to say hi since my dad had just come back from Mexico.

Pioneer Day. We went hiking (if you can call it that) up Cottonwood Canyon. We first met with Z +kids and my mom. We finally figured out lunch and then drove up. The first hike took like 5 minutes and it took us up to a pretty waterfall. Then we went on another hike on this paved road. That was a little longer. We ate lunch up there. Jasmine had to go potty. It was a nice time together. My dad was gone to Mexico for work. In the afternoon we went and saw the Harry Potter Movie as a family at the IMAX in SL. The screen was huge. Afterwards we got some street Mexican tacos and then went over to my parents to say hi since my dad had just come back from Mexico.
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