Sunday, September 14, 2014

June 2014

June was a busy month. We just kept going and going. Here are some of the major events.

At the school I work at I get the opportunity to read the names of the graduating class. This was my second year doing this and although it is scary cause I don't want to mess up on anyones name it's great to see the joy of the students as they walk across the stage.

Afterward, it is tradition to go to McCools to celebrate the end of the year. This is a picture with some of the lady faculty. I love working at DASA it is so rewarding to me and hopefully the students and teachers find me helpful to them.

This is my co-counselor for the 2013-2014 school year. She decided to take a different job where she can coach cheer on a higher level and counsel so we must part ways. Although we were both new to counseling, we got along great and I think we did some awesome things at the school!

After the students are gone and while we are all still working we tend to have fun to conclude our year. They have a competition to see who can eat the most waffles at Kneaders, I didn't compete but it's fun to watch and eat anyways.

Riding the train with cousins at Pioneer Park.

Pink Diva look by G and CR photo bombing!

CR and S had the wonderful opportunity to be a part of the Savior of the World cast. Our stake performs this with the youth every four years as they Youth Conference. CR had the part of "Disciple" and S was "Older Mary". They were both so awesome! They are great singers and actors! I have to say that I was a proud mom. To see my children share their testimony of the life of Christ is priceless.

Alex is in Utah now going to school at UVU and on this Sunday G and Alex were twinners!!!

Father's Day! Oh. I love "mi papi". He has been my inspiration and guide throughout my life! I hope he knows that I look up to him so much. He is such a hard worker and has sacrificed so much for his family. He is so caring and loving to everyone. I hope I can grow up to be like him someday!

The other most awesome person in my life. I'm so blessed to share my life with him for eternity. He's such a fun and kind person. Always willing to sacrifice everything for me and our family! He is also an amazing father and uncle which is evident from this picture.

Zuri loves her Auntie! Well I may love her more!

Recital 2014 G's dance was called "We go together". She got to perform in both casts because a girl from the other cast couldn't make it. So whe danced all week and loved it!

This is the link to the video K made of G's dance:

S's last ballet recital. She was amazing of course and we are so proud of her for sticking with it and working so hard all of these years. Her hard work has paid off! All of these girls are beautiful, talented and righteous including their teacher. Amazing ballet program! 


Who could forget swimming lessons! G has been taking private lessons from Megan Derrick. She has learned to love swimming. Best choice ever!

The Princess Festival.

Tron and Lara's Wedding in Wyoming.

Wedding video:

Cary and Becky's Family

Kent and Perianne Flower's Family

Tucker and Julie's Family

Jefre and Mayra's Family

Our Family

The entire Family

The newly created Tron and Lara's Family

All of the siblings and spouses.

Some of the cousins.

A few days before going to Wyoming I was talking to Ruth and we found out that we would both be in the area the same weekend. So we decided to take a few hours and meet. What a special time to get to spend with them. And for their cousins to continue the tradition of seeing each other every summer!

After meeting with cousins we went to the pool to swim with other cousins!

The cousins, as usual, made a movie and this was the premiere.

Here's the link to the movie:  The Lands Within

And the traditional Candy Poker played at the end of all cousin reunions.

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