We got up fairly early to go to the Vatican. The earlier you go the shorter the line. The sun was just rising and it was beautiful!
We went up to the cupola of the Sistine Chapel. The three of us rode the elevator but it only takes you so far so this is going up the rest of the way. |
It was tiring! |
View from the top! |
After the Vatican we went to the Colosseum! |
Fun to be here with my parents! |
Then we took a long ride to the temple. Every time we took public transportation it was an adventure!
Some of these pictures I just found from the church news website but I wanted to put them on here so that I can remember. We could not take pictures on the inside of the temple but these are just beautiful! |
When you first walk into the temple you see this amazing staircase! It’s connected just at the top and the bottom, so it’s like a free-floating staircase. The staircase’s oval design was inspired by the Michelangelo-designed Piazza del Campidoglio.
The chandelier is just amazing! |
The baptismal font and baptistry.
Instruction Room. The mural on the wall looks so much like the Italian countryside. |
The Celestial Room |
A view of the Rome Italy Temple and the Italian-style piazza on the temple grounds. |
Fountain and doors.
We are sealed together for eternity! Wouldn't want it any other way!
Our whole group! We figured this was a safe place for us to let someone take a picture of all of us!
I love this picture!
A view of the visitor's center from the outside |
My picture of the 12 apostles statues from the time of Christ.
Replicas of Thorvaldsen’s Christus statue and his 12 ancient Apostle statues—from originals found in Copenhagen, Denmark.
My picture of the stained glass at the visitor's center
Stained glass in the Rome Italy Temple depicts scenes from the Savior’s life. |
Everything looks so real. This looks like the Italian country side. It was a room where they do presentations. |
It started raining while we were inside the visitor's center but the clouds were amazing! |
Leaving the temple grounds. What an awesome experience and opportunity to be there during the open house. |
The hallway in our airbnb. After a long day of visiting the sights we were ready to sleep! |
Today we had the opportunity to visit a sacred place for both the Catholic Church and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. They are both beautiful! But the spirit that you feel when you are on the grounds or inside a temple of the Church of Jesus Christ is undeniable and it testifies of it's truthfulness!