Tuesday, July 9, 2019

March 2019

March was a busy month. Here are a few pictures of what went on during the month. 

Tori Kelly concert with Sidney. YAY! I love to go to concerts with my kids!
And Sidney won "Tea with Tori" so we got a chance to meet her!

DaVinci did "Bright Star" and we had to go see both casts and they were both so good!

Gracie's ballroom dance performance

We went to see Shayden in his talent show and got ice cream afterwards but the girls were all wearing their matching "boys" jacket that they bought at H&M. haha

Bought a new car for Sidney to drive because the Cabrio died :(

Zuri's 6th birthday! She requested a Peacat cake! Peacock and Cat mixed?

We got tickets from someone in our ward to go see Cirque du Soleil and it was amazing!

HOPE Squad Conference. Guess who sat next to us? Alex Boye! He was the guest speaker!

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