Sunday, November 3, 2019

August 2019

August is always a busy month. We started the month with celebrating Casey's birthday. We had a big Sunday dinner and it ended with a second dessert of s'mores by our fire pit.

I don't know what Zildy is doing in this picture?? haha

We had a our first annual bbq with our admin team from school at Fred's house. 
I got to hold baby Blakeley (Jesslynn's baby) and holding babies is one of my favorite things.

The day after Trevar and Malorie's wedding, Jenner and Cassandra blessed their baby Ivory. It was a good time since all the family was together. 

Baby Ivory is a miracle and a fighter. She was born with some complications and she was in the hospital for a couple of months. She is now doing great and Jenner and Cassandra have moved to Arizona where Jenner is teaching seminary.

Gracie decided to cut her hair. So this is before...

and this is after! She looks so cute!

After much begging to blow up the pool we finally did and she enjoyed it with the duck!

Faculty pictures. Fred as the class clown!

Terrain Race --- before


Yoli Party! Kailee was working but we can and had fun for a little bit.

First Day of 7th grade

I cut my hair!!! After three years of growing out for Book of Mormon filming. I was told that since I was featured, they couldn't use me anymore so it was time to cut it. I miss my long hair but short is so much easier to care for.

Alex Boye concert

Taking silly pictures at work for a coworker's gift.

5K at the University of Utah

Carina's Birthday! She decided to do a picnic and then go to Boondocks!

Cee Ryle has become famous for his appetizers at Sunday Dinner and this bread did not disappoint!

Sunday Dinner Birthday Celebration!

Ruth brought Cedric out to BYU

Ky and Kinli's wedding

Baby Kendall! Such a happy baby!

The kids wanted to have an end of summer bash! It was only us and the cousins but they had a blast playing water games, roasting hot dogs and s'mores and just spending time together!

Mark Williams (Julie's Dad) Retirement Party

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