Guess who planned a family reunion right before Covid hit? We did! And then guess who actually went through with it and held the family reunion? We did! We are crazy I know! We stressed and stressed about it, and we had to adjust our plans a little, and we had to all cram in Derick and Cat's house, but it was a success! And we are so glad we did it! Here is a summary of the fun:
We arrived in Boston on July 31st right before midnight. The Covid rules were changing on August 1st so we wanted to make sure we made it in before then just to be safe.
The first day was spent enjoying the pool at the Fajardo Resort
My awesome brother's putting together a puzzle |
The pool at night
Peaceful Sunday hanging out at home
Julio really loved Nala |
We went to tour Alex's house
The kids pleading their case about something. I can't remember what? I think it was something about Primark
And then we did some plopping (definition: a heat-free drying technique that utilizes a cloth to air-dry curls)
The ploppers! We had to wait an hour.
It worked! Look how curly my hair looks!
Monday we got on our way to Lake Winnipesaukee in New Hampshire |
The view from the top by the pool
The beautiful Sutton House. Where we stayed. We went on a walk to the harbor. But every time we go anywhere it takes a long time with these many people! |
Our awesome parents. They started this crazy, fun. loving group of people!
The triplets
I scream! You scream! We all scream for ice cream! Although, you can't see it behind our masks!
We went on a tour to see the Castle in the Clouds! There is a castle in the clouds... I like to go there in my sleep...
This is the front view of the castle
Another puzzle has been found!
The birthday boy! |
We even had a dance show! |
Playing "parlez-vouz-francais?"
Train ride by the lake
My dad always makes things fun for all!
I'm proud to call him MY dad!
Lunch time
A hike in the woods |
And we found Winnie the Pooh's house!
For the duration of the reunion we had Fajardo Bucks that everyone could earn for prizes at the end of the reunion. Jasmine asked if she got in the water how many bucks she could get and they offered her a lot of bucks so she got in! |
We finished the puzzle! Awesome way to remember the area!
Face masks time:
We had the yellow room :)
On the last day we went to play at the beach
Lunch time!
We won't talk about how much ice cream we consumed during the reunion |
More twin cousins
Back in Framingham with Nala
Carina looks good grilling
The boys wanted New England food so they went and got it
Ice cream anyone? It's never too late!
Last day all together :(
Zildy's family order is the same as our family order. So we took a picture with our respective partners.
I love these siblings of mine! Although they always tease me that I am adopted! I wouldn't change them for anything! Who else can plan a reunion during a pandemic, cram 20+ people in a house, hangout together for 8 days, plan never-ending meals, eat ice cream every night, and still get along and be smiling? We can!
Add my parents and we are a perfect bunch! |
Last ice cream night. Some kids had just had enough ice cream!
Sunday School over zoom or nap time?
This is where the girls slept
As our last hurrah before leaving for the airport we went to see Walden Pond. But because of Covid there were so many people out there that they had to limit the guests and we couldn't go in. So this is all I got.
Since we couldn't walk around there we went to the Minute Man National Historic Park |
I missing living by these two. We have been together since we got married! |
So that's the end of a successful pandemic reunion! Till next time! |