My Precious G is is 1!!! Time goes by fast. We are enjoying having her in our family sooooo much. What a fun loving personality. She loves her family. But who doesn't? She is very attached to her Mami. Sometimes that is hard on me but sometimes it feels so great to be loved and needed.

She, of course, had no idea it was her birthday (what is that anyway?) and why the kids were making such a big deal. At this point she still had not oppened all of her Christmas presents (she was accomplishing interest in about 1 per day). So we tried to get her to open presents but I think the kids were more interested in seeing what was in them than she was.

We had cake that evening. She just sat there and stared at her piece of cake and wondered why we were letting her eat it on her own. Once she got the hang of it. She was loving life! She is great eater anyways. She eats so much we wonder how it all fits in her stomach and why she is not one of those chubby babies?

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