Sunday, December 30, 2007

The Week between Christmas and New Year

We were going to go to Cheyenne for a few days but there was a lot of snow on the roads and we decided to just stay home. Sometimes its just nice to be home and play or do whatever with family.

Some of the fun things that we did during the week were:

Well, we had bought an electric piano for the family and we were getting it all ready when C saw a better one on (his new best friend). So we went and looked at it and bought that one and returned the other one. It's a digital piano and it looks great! The kids are enjoying practicing more now since the keys don't stick and it sounds really nice. So C and I spent some time taking care of this.

One day the kids spent playing with friends.

One day we went and saw National Treasure.

One day we went shopping.

One day we spent putting away Christmas presents. The kids also got this air hockey table from their grandparents. They love to play it including G as you can see.

One day was G's birthday but that is a different post!

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