We left on Tuesday afternoon to Long Beach and from there to Ft. Lauderdale. We were a little concerned in CA about catching the next flight but we made it on. This was an overnight flight and so we tried to sleep on the plane.
We made it to FL and we went straight to Spirit so we could be all ready for the flight to Guatemala. We get up to the counter and I give them our passports and the clerk is looking around wondering where KC is? I then look at the passports and I accidentally brought KC's and K's passport but forgot mine!!! How could I do that?!! I always double check everything and I am very careful. I was so upset. To make a long story short. They couldn't do anything without a passport so I had to stay behind. Luckily my BIL lives in Miami and was able to come get me and help me figure out what to do.

He was very kind to me while there. We went and ate lunch at a delicious Cuban Restaurant. Then that night one of my nephews had a concert so I went with them to see that. Besides the thought that I was missing Guatemala I had a good time there.

The next day, KC FEDEX me my passport. It was guaranteed to be there by 10am. My flight left at 12:15 and we were close to the airport so we were not worried. Well 10am comes around and no passport. Why me?? We start calling and they tell us that it should be there. They can't track the truck for some reason. Finally they tell us where the truck is and J goes looking for it, finds it but it's the wrong truck. Luckily this guy had the cell phone number of the other driver and called him. At 10:50am the truck finally arrives and we leave asap. We get to the airport and they tell me that it's too late to check my luggage in for this flight. The only option was to take a later flight and pay $150 or take whatever luggage I could as a carry on and get on the flight. So I chose the latter since I had already paid for an extra ticket to Guatemala cause I lost the first one.
I ran to the gate and went through security. I sit down and I am just exhausted! but relieved that I am on the plane.
I made it safe and sound and met up with my parents and K! It all worked out in the end!
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