Sunday, December 2, 2012

New Career and Job

October 1, 2012

I am always amazed at how my life always work out for the best.  I graduated with my Master's in School Counseling in April and I have been looking for a job since.  I didn't worry too much during the summer because schools take summers off for the most part.  I wasn't too worried either because KC has a job that supports our family so I had about 6 months to find something since my main worry would be to get a job so that I could start paying back my student loan.

I knew that when school started in September I had to get serious about looking because that is when last minute jobs would open up and I had to start paying back my student loan in November.  I started to worry because there just were not many jobs out there to apply for.

But as always Heavenly Father knows what's best!  One day in early September I got a text from a friend of a friend who is a school counselor and was wanting to go half time.  I was interested because I knew that half-time would be perfect for me this year for a few reasons:  G is in half-day kindergarten and being half-time would give some time with her, it would allow me to learn with someone as I get used to being a school counselor, and it would give a good transition between being a stay-at-home mom and working outside the home full time.

I went to the school to meet with her.  It happened to be G's first day of school and I was nice because it distracted me from being sad about my youngest starting kindergarten.  Mandee was very kind and she was looking to go half-time because she was in the process of trying to adopt twin babies and her life was just too busy.  We clicked right away and the connection was just perfect for both of us.  As always though there is opposition in all things and I had another opportunity for work at WSU but it would be full time and although I would be paid more it would end up being less in the end because I would be working full time as compared to only working half time. I prayed about it but the decision was pretty easy as to what would be best for me and my family.  To make a long story short, I started kind of training with Mandee through the month of September and then it was official in October.  What a blessing for both of us!

The school I'm working at is called DaVinci Academy of Science and the Arts.  The only drawback is that it takes me about 25 minutes to get there from home.  But I did get a pass for the Frontrunner (the train) so I can take that sometimes and not have to drive.  DaVinci is a charter school that houses grades 7-12.  The school emphasizes the arts and sciences (hence the name).  It's a great school with smaller classes and more personalized attention for the students than a regular public school.  I am working mainly with the junior high students (grades 7-9) and Mandee is working with the high school students (grades 10-12).  I work about 2-3 days per week depending on the week and I LOVE IT!  I love the opportunity to talk with students and help them with their academics and personal lives.  It's challenging at times and I'm still trying to figure it all out but I'm learning and I think I am being useful to the students.

I'm still working a few hours a week at my previous job at the daycare where I work in the office and take care of the billing for the center.  This works out well since I need childcare a few days a week for G before she goes to kindergarten.  It all works out perfectly!!!

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