November 22, 2012
This year we had most of the B's from Cheyenne come and spend Thanksgiving with us. It was a lot of people at our place but it was fun! The kids just have fun being together and so do the adults.
Jenner (nephew) has been into exercising and because there were so many kids/beds in the basement there was no room to exercise so he went out on the patio. A few of the cousins joined in the fun. It was pretty cold out there and we were all watching from the inside so it was as if they were performing for us.We started a new tradition this year. I knew what I wanted to do it but I didn't know how to implement it until I saw this idea at the BYU Bookstore. I got a piece of black butcher paper and hung it up on the wall. Everyone throughout the month was encouraged to write something they were thankful for on the wall. This is the final product. It turned out great!
Car & Jenner with matching shirts and socks. These kids are crazy!
This was the teens/single kids table.
This was the youngins table. KC and I were at this table :)
This was the parent's table.
The kids made a Thanksgiving movie and they made everyone and I mean everyone go outside and dance gangnam style. It was pretty crazy and we were all just laughing!
This is the link to the video:
The kids went out to the curve and were dancing as cars drove by.
The boys playing football.
Like father like son!
That night of thanksgiving we had all of the Nelson side of the family come over and say hi. It was crazy for like a half an hour there were so many people here and everyone was just talking trying to catch up on life. It was a fun surprise to see them all.We had to keep up the tradition of looking through the ads. We were a little upset that many places were opening at night instead of early in the morning. But a few of us did end up going shopping at night. The thing I love about Black Friday more than the deals is the time that we all get to spend together. It's like a rush to find what you want but then we can just relax and have fun!
On Saturday night we went to Provo and Jenner fed us at the Creamery. K had to work so we went to the mall for a little while to wait for her to get off. Afterwards we went to temple square to see the lights and had some hot chocolate. We were able to get a family picture since we had Jenner and Derek with us.
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