Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Redlands California (Carina's Mission) October 2018

We decided to go visit Carina's mission for Fall Break. We left in the evening because Carina and Sidney had classes. We spent the night in St. George because we knew it would be to hard to drive all night long.

Here we are all loaded up!

We drove all the way to the beach before going anywhere :) We ended up in Laguna Beach!

We found a fish taco restaurant by the beach called Wahoo's so we had to take a selfie for Brianna (she always uses that Wahoo)!

After lunch we walked around the beach some more! Ahh the sun!!!

Then Carina took us the farmer's market

We stayed with a family that Carina knew on her missions (the Biberstons) they had a big house and they were so hospitable! The live close to the mission home so they just had the Dixon's (mission president and his wife) come over for breakfast so that we could meet them. Everyone is so nice!

As we were driving back from the beach the night before the car was making a horrible noise and we figured it was the breaks! And it was so we had to take it in the next morning to get them fixed. It took all morning so it just delayed us a little bit the next morning. While we waited for it to be fixed we sang karaoke and played pool at their house.

Our nice guest room at the Biberstons
We then drove out to Palm Springs and found these sculptures. Kind of cool!

That night we also went out to dinner with Ed and Rebecca (another of Carina's families that she knew on the mission)

Joshua Tree National Park

Sidney dances everywhere she goes!

The place where we stayed at in Palm Desert

The Redlands Temple of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints

Mr. GQ! We also went to another park where you can see the whole valley

We did go to two sacrament meetings so Carina could see some more people. But after this little park we drove back. We didn't get home till like 1am but at least we were home :) It was a wonderful trip! I loved being able to see all of the areas where Carina served and lots of the people that she worked with.

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