Sunday, March 3, 2019

September 2018

The months come and go so fast! I think it's true that the older you get the faster time goes! Here are some highlights of the month of September.

My cousin posted this and I know it it true. This is my dad, my grandfather, and my uncle (Tio Moncho)

Celebrating Carina's and Sidney's birthdays 

I love my girls! They bring me so much joy!

She left on September 3rd for the MTC

Celebrating Carina's and Sidney's birthdays again! As a family. Fun times!

My cute primary class!

Sunday dinners always a blast!

Gracie and I went to a health fair and why not eat ice cream at a health fair?

The Salt Lake City Temple of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. 

We got to go see Waitress with Sidney and Kailee!

Our last Sonic Blast 5K! Fundraiser for the school.

Kailee brought these yummy treats back from Disneyland :)

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