Sunday, February 24, 2019

August 2018

For primary they had a multi cultural night and we signed up to bring food from Guatemala and Gracie did a display and presentation about Graciela Molina (her great grandmother from Guatemala). She did a great job!

Casey's birthday! He wanted steak so we went to Longhorn Steakhouse.

Celebrating Casey's birthday with the family by going to an escape room. Cat was here helping Brianna move out so it was fun to have her with us!

We had to go out for ice cream afterwards!

German Chocolate Cake is Casey's favorite so I tried to make it. It's not his grandma's but hopefully it was good enough.

Just a random picture of Carina's apartment

Gracie participated in this singing camp with some other kids in the neighborhood and this was the end performance.

Make up at activity days

Gracie came with me to Shauna's birthday party!

First day of 6th grade

Build a Bear had an event where you could get a stuffed animal for the price of your age but the line was extremely long and so we got out of line. We went back later and they gave us a coupon for a future date because all of their stuffed animals were gone and Gracie wanted this Evie. A few weeks later they finally had them in stock so we went and got it :)

Sidney and I went to Boston for Brianna's farewell

My mom never holds dogs so this was shocking but cute!

All the food! Cat never goes small!

So proud of Brianna!!!

We decided to take the train into Boston just for fun!

We were tired of walking and this place in a church was the only place we could find.

"A Cute Place"

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