Sunday, April 14, 2019

January 2019

Since we didn't have enough time to do this gingerbread house before Christmas we decided to do it after. Why not?

Zildy and I had to take a quick trip to Boston/NYC so that we could get our DPI (Guatemalan ID). We had to do it at an embassy and we figured this worked out best because Derick could go with us. We spent the weekend in Boston and then went to NYC on Monday. 

Cat treated us to eat at The Shaking Crab! It was delicious!

We even got to go to church with these twins :)

OK. Kiki and Nala are soooo cute!

On the Subway in NYC :)

It was so cold and all we could do to pass the time was go to Chelsea Market, kind of like a mall and hang out for about an hour until our appointment time. There are a lot of places to eat and just a few shops and it was warm :)

We made it to the Guatemalan Consulate. They took our names and then we just had to wait for them to call us up. Just like in Guatemala.

We did it! They made us go get envelopes and stamps from the post office and they took our picture and finger prints and asked us some questions. But after of couple of hours we were able to finish our application.

Afterwards, we were hungry and we looked around and found this Indian restaurant. This was the sampler plate that we ordered and it was delicious! It was a good way to try lots of different foods.

We all flew back home that same night so after eating we went back to the airport.

Time to celebrate Gracie's and Trevar's birthdays 

Gracie's science fair board on popcorn

We had tickets to see the Wizard of Oz at Hale Center Theatre but Casey had to go to the city council meeting to present on the lot subdivision so Gracie and I got to go together.

Casey and Carina went snowboarding

We went and helped package meals. Gotta love the hairnets!

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