Monday, June 29, 2020

30th Wedding Anniversay

We were glad to be able to celebrate our anniversary by being able to go out and spending some time together! 30 years is a big deal! But we are in the middle of a pandemic so we did what we could amidst the circumstances. We had been on "red" for about 6 weeks. On May 1st we went to "orange". This meant that we could gather with 20 people or less and restaurants opened up to inside dining with limited seating. So we took advantage of it and went out to celebrate us :)

We went to dinner at Olive Garden. It was kind of strange because available tables were spread out, all the servers wore masks, and the menu was limited. So we got to have a quiet but delicious dinner together!

We stayed at the Anniversary Inn in Salt Lake. This is the "Enchanted Forrest" room. Since we couldn't go away anywhere this was a fun place to getaway for a night.

I made a slideshow of our last 30 years together and these are some of the awesome quotes that I liked. I edited this slideshow multiple times and I finally got it down to a good length and to my liking. You can find the link at the bottom of this post.

We also went on a short hike together. 
And here is the long-awaited slideshow. I'm so grateful for our marriage! We make a good team! We have been through many things together. Some good, some bad, some sad, some great, some crazy, some emotional, etc. But overall, I wouldn't change anything! Sure we have made mistakes but we overcome day by day and everything that we have done has given us experience! I wouldn't want to do this life, with all it has to offer without Casey! We were meant to be TOGETHER FOREVER! And no matter how hard things get, we will continue trying to do our best! 

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