Sunday, February 15, 2015

Valentine's Day


So this year for Valentine's Day my most wonderful, amazing, handsome husband did something really cute that made this Valentine's Day one of the best ever! He started by giving me a little card once a day (starting on Feb. 1) with something cute and thoughtful on the inside. This just made each day so special because I didn't know what I would get for the day but I looked forward to my daily note.

Here are just a couple of samples of what was inside the notes:
If you know KC he loves running and is very devoted to it so for him to say that he loves me more than running means a lot!!!

Isn't that so cute??? He's the best!

I also got some beautiful flowers:

For Valentine's Day we went to dinner at Olive Garden and then went to see the musical Fiddler on the Roof. 

My cute homemade card:

And here we are on our 25th year of being Valentines. I love you KC!!!

I had to include this because it has to do with love... Christlike love for all we love!
Music and the Spoken Word:
If you knew that this was your last day on earth—that tomorrow your life would end—what would you do today? Most people would probably not try to squeeze in one more day at the office or one last television program. More than likely, you would spend most of the day trying to reach the people who are dear to you, simply to say, one last time, “I love you.”

Those three words—I love you—are perhaps the most important words in our language. Of course, they mean something only if they are backed up by authenticity and actions. But the words themselves are important too. So many people go through the day or week or even the year and rarely hear those three simple words. We all need to know that we are loved, that we matter to someone, that we have a place in another’s heart. This is what gives us confidence to face the cold world; it is what makes us feel alive.

When the end of our life does come, we may feel some regret about the things we didn’t accomplish or the goals we didn’t achieve, but we will never regret our expressions of genuine love. So why wait for our final day? Tell someone, “I love you” today. 

Feb. 15, 2015, Broadcast Number 4,457

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