Friday, August 24, 2007

C's Birthday

We now have another teenager in our family. I hope we can handle it! We love her though. She is so loving and kind.

We haven't done too much today because we are waiting for K to get back from Education Week. She has been down there since Tuesday with her friend Kellie. Grandma and Grandpa were their drivers and care takers. We are so happy that they were willing to help us out!

C babysat this morning and she has ballet later on. We will go out to Teriyaki Stix for dinner afterwards and then open presents!! She wants to celebrate tomorrow by going to see Hairspray and popcorn of course. She will have her party on Sunday.

Just a little about C. She is a wonderful daughter, sister and friend. Everyone just loves her so much. She loves to spend time with her family. She is a great ballet and jazz dancer. She doesn't like Algebra too much but she is going to try hard this year to get an A in the class. She likes to write poems and she is very good at it. Her current interests are Speed Stacks and Club Penguin. At the moment she and S are making a pinata for her party on Sunday. She is very creative and her siblings are always looking to her for new ideas.



I have a good life said...

Speed Stacks? I wish we would've known that and we would've got her some! Did she like it before or after K brought hers? Just curious. Happy Birthday to C!

The 7B's said...

I think K introduced it to her and it is spreading like wildfire among the cousins.